Survey Instructions

As the preliminary design portion of the iFortune project is complete, we are no longer taking responses to this survey.

The following list of questions ask you about your relationship with your favorite coffee mug or tea cup (but feel free to substitute your beverage container of choice!). Your answers to this survey will help inspire the design of a beverage-related device.

Note that this survey is completely anonymous, unless you choose otherwise before submitting it. Please read below for more information.

If your favorite mug or cup had eyes and ears, how would it describe its day-to-day life?
If the mug or cup could speak, what would it talk to you about?
If you could build a home for your mug or cup, what would it look like?
How would the cup/mug react to its new home?
Unless you provide your NetID below, your answers will not be matched to any identifying data (including IP address, time of submission, etc.) However, if you do provide your NetID, we may contact you later for a follow-up survey or interview, and you may receive a cool gift!

NetID (optional):
Check here and enter your name below if you are in HD 362, and would like to recieve extra credit for taking this survey. Your name will not be matched to your answers.

Name (HD 362 students only):

Please be aware that information submitted through this form may be observed by third-parties as it is sent to the server. This applies to all unencrypted Internet communication.