

A Working Definition of Control

Technology, and along with it the design of technology, often gives one a sense of control over environment, processes, or interactions. Ironically, in order to give us a sense of ability to manage or direct, the designers of technology often compromise our ability for true control. Thus, "sense of control" and "actual control" lie in different spheres.

Control and Reflective Design

We see elements of control in many technologies now in use as well in those we designed/invented as part of this project. Most technology now allows us to control some aspect of how it operates. This type of control is often misleading and gives a false sense of control--a technology that has buttons that allow one to control some aspect of a process gives one a sense of control. But if those buttons are difficult to use, unexplained or don't function even when operated correctly, the actual control inherent in the system is minimal.

A major question linked to the concept of control in the design and use of technology regards where and with what party lies the actual control. Designers often have a control over technology that users not only don't have, they don't know that it exists.

By this series of designs we have explored methods of control as they relate to the design and use of technology. Through the users interaction with the designs, they may become more aware of the controlling agents, devices, or organizations. By creating a set of instruments used to control, we hope that designers will realize they have an affect on society. In order to investigate these issues we have designed a series of technologies and inquiries that will help us and others to reflect on the effects of control in/on everyday life. Control mechanisms have been an important aspect of many of our ideas; the principal questions we posed during design, and therefore the topics upon which we hope to lead others to reflect, are ones of possession of control and use/misuse.

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