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CUAUV is an engineering team at Cornell University commited to exploring cutting edge technology in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. We accomplish this primarily by creating a submarine each year to compete in the International AUV Competition. 2003 will be our fourth year of entering the competition. This year, we plan to improve on our previous performances by building a new, commericial grade AUV capable of completing all objectives of the mission.

The 2003 team is composed of Cornell's brightest students, divided into three subgroups:

The full crew:

Year Major Email
Bryan Silverthorn Sophomore Comp Sci bcs26@cornell.edu
Alex Shih Sophomore Mech E aes59@cornell.edu
Josh Fishman
Sophomore Mech E kn65@cornell.edu
David Hinkes Junior Comp Sci dh83@cornell.edu
Ryan Stenson Junior Elec E rms48@cornell.edu
Scott Weeks Junior Govt/Mech E sew37@cornell.edu
Philip Sieh Senior Elec E pjs43@cornell.edu
Jason Pagnotta Senior Elec E jap43@cornell.edu
Karl Schulze Freshman Comp Sci kas43@cornell.edu
James Buescher
*Team Captain* Senior Mech E jb246@cornell.edu
Renaldi Winoto
Senior Elec E rw67@cornell.edu
Michael Stanish
Sophomore Comp Sci mjs257@cornell.edu
Jackie Romero Sophomore Mech E jr296@cornell.edu
Sean Welch
PhD student Elec E smw17@cornell.edu
Vikash Goel
MS student Comp Sci vrg3@cornell.edu

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