Summary:  The aim of the project is to extract definitions from the Code of Federal Regulations using rule based approach and machine learning.
The project focuses on classifying paragraphs from Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The algorithm for parsing, rule-based grammar and machine learning is generic so as to support extraction of definitions from other Title, ideally without modifications. 

Course number: CS 5740, CS 4780 
Faculty Advisor: Claire Cardie 


Artificial Intelligence 


Neha Kulkarni 
Deepthi Rajagopalan 
Mohammad AL Asswad 
Project Title:  Speare 
Summary:  As the publishing industry continues to shift to the digital space, news and media sites have access to far more data about their readers. However, they have failed to properly harness it. Speare is an intelligence platform for news and media websites that takes advantage of this opportunity by using their semantic data to engage and understand their audience.

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More Information:

Speare creates intelligent user profiles of site visitors based on what they read, and how they read it.  We use Natural Language Processing to map a reader’s site behavior and demographic information to their interests (concepts, places, people, entities and topics). With knowledge of their interests and reading behavior, we are able to provide two critical solutions: content recommendation, and actionable-insight for the publisher.

First, we make sure that the right content from the publisher gets put in front of the right reader. We do this by using their user profile, which is constantly refined over time using Machine Learning, and our in-depth understanding of the publisher’s content.

Furthermore, this same data fuels the Speare analytics dashboard - the first user-centric and semantic analytics platform. With our data segmentation, a publisher can search for something like “show me data on all repeat users that are interested in engineering or automobiles and live in Ithaca NY.” This would pull up all past data on that unique user segment. All of this information is then made visual, and actionable, for the publisher. 


Artificial Intelligence 
Database and Information Systems 
Theory, Math, and Modeling 


Rahul Shah 
Alisha Sojar 
Project Title:  Predict review quality on Yelp 
Course number: CS5999 
Faculty Advisor: Thorsten Joachims 


Artificial Intelligence 


Khushboo Pandia 
Project Title:  Rhythm 
Summary:  Rhythm is an Android application that helps users take a goal oriented approach towards maintaining healthy patterns and inner circadian rhythm. It helps formulate their sleep goals and work towards them, by providing active feedback and actionable suggestions. Novelty of this application is the innovative method of collecting comprehensive sleep data and providing relevant the user relevant feedback/mechanism for the user to work towards a given health goal.Although other smartphone apps are available that allow the user some degree of sleep tracking, most of them are obtrusive in some way to the user.

Rhythm will assist individuals in tracking their rhythm and provide feedback, motivation, and incentives to work toward and maintain a healthier rhythm. Now under development is a Pebble smart watch app to help users better track their sleep and access Rhythm in a more dynamic way without interruptions. 

Course number: INFO 6130 
Faculty Advisor: Tanzeem Choudhury 


Artificial Intelligence 
Database and Information Systems 
Biological Sciences 


Siddharth Bajaj 
Project Title:  Elastic Machine Learning Compute Engine 
Summary:  To enable users to analyze their data using standard Machine Learning algorithms out of the box. Instead of a user configuring an Amazon EC2 instance with his application code and running his algorithm, we will provide this solution through a simple and configurable dashboard. The user has to simply select the algorithm he wants to run through a dashboard, the data on which he wants to run the algorithm and the parameters (if any). The user does not have to write any application code . Hence, this is a cloud based solution, specifically a "Compute as a Service" infrastructure. The application will be built to be highly scalable, elastic, reliable and fault-tolerant.

-----More Information-----
Our technology stack consists of a custom built Apache HTTPD 2.4 server with our custom designed load balancer module. The application servers will be running Apache Tomcat 7. Hadoop Distributed File System is being used for our persistent storage needs

>A variety of machine learning algorithms to choose from via a Dashboard
>Ability to add custom datasources like AWS S3 or the user can upload his data to our servers. We use Hadoop File system(HDFS) for storage purposes. HDFS will be configured for High Availability.
>User can add/remove the number of instances for computation providing Elasticity
>User can generate reports and store them. User will be able to export his results as CSV or JSON or even JPEG images of charts. 

Course number: CS 5412 
Faculty Advisor: Kenneth Paul Birman 


Database and Information Systems 
Artificial Intelligence 


Krishna Sasank Talasila 
Preetam Shetty 
Pritam Patil 
Roshan Shetty 
Project Title:  Cloud-based Smart Building Occupancy Tracking 
Summary:  To significantly reduce in the energy usage of building lighting systems and improve occupant comfort, we propose a reliable, fault–tolerant, consistent cloud-based system for real-time tracking of occupant movements inside buildings and adjust lighting systems dynamically. The clients periodically scan for all the Wi-Fi Access Points it can see from a given location along with the relative signal strengths and send that information to the backend server via TCP Socket.

The backend servers receive multiple messages from different clients, parse the message to extract different fields, especially the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). The server determines the occupant location by using the weighted centroid algorithm. We use Isis2 to enable servers to process information captured by users in the whole city at the same time and return a three dimensional location immediately for every occupant.

We have a live demo to simulate multi-clients and lighting control system in the city. 

Course number: CS 5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman; David Albonesi 


Database and Information Systems 


Qianying Zhang 
Shuo Xiong 
Yang Yang 
Project Title:  teamwork.JS 
Summary:  Teamwork.JS - Framework for distributed computing on web browsers

#WHAT IS Teamwork.JS?
Any web browser displaying a web page with teamwork.js becomes part of a bot-net. Each node in this bot-net has two-way communication with the master and will run any JS code distributed by the master.
Teamwork.js is a framework for distributed computation using the resources of website visitors

As alternatives to native programs, web-browser based solutions have lower entry barriers. Volunteers can join the system by just opening a URL; or be forced to join by appending the JavaScript code to the html pages served (think ad-networks and proxy services).
This means the feasibility of having millions of free compute nodes. Think of the possibilities: precisely what motivates us.

Modern web browsers are capable of handling extensive computations (V8 JS benchmarks) as well as perform real two-way communication (WebSockets) and peer-to-peer communication (WebRTC). This makes them capable of being used in such distributed settings to solve parallel problems.

At BOOM we demonstrate the working of our system in a password cracking application.

visit: http://teamworkjs.com 

Course number: CS 5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman 


Database and Information Systems 


Hammad Malik 
Project Title:  Adding Infiniband Support to the Isis2 Library. 
Summary:  Infiniband is a high performance server interconnect technology that is used as an alternative to Ethernet. This project aims to enhance the Isis2 Cloud Computing Library to directly work with Infiniband hardware, which should vastly improve performance and reliability on these systems. To do so we create a wrapper for the libibverbs implementation of the Infiniband Verbs API that can be called by the main Isis2 Library. 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman 


Database and Information Systems 


Jonathan Behrens 
Project Title:  Accessing Isis2 functionalities from a CLI and C++ client 
Summary:  The objective of this work is to support and extend the functionalities of the stand alone server which allows a C++/CLI client to access OOB Isis2 system calls, Isis2 locking layer and the Isis2 DHT. This server is basically a WCF Restful service whose interface is exposed through a URL. 
Course number: CS5412 
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Ken Birman 


Database and Information Systems 


Project Title:  Airport Runway Scheduler 
Summary:  Most airplane flight delays are caused not because a plane is not ready to depart by its scheduled time, but because the airport's runways are unable to accommodate it. Most airports only schedule runways according to their own local information, so we propose a distributed global system that optimizes runway assignments. 
Course number: CS 5412 


Database and Information Systems 
Artificial Intelligence 


Chris Heelan 
Alex Maass 
Gary He 
Project Title:  Smart Cars 
Summary:  We want to build a software for smart cars to automatically drive themselves to a destination on a predefined route without colliding with other cars. The significance of this project is that we will have a scalable system that coordinates the actions of multiple cars to make them drive safely to their destination without collision with each other. Whenever there is a potential collision, the cars will intelligently route themselves so that they will make progress with no deadlocks.

We will give a live demo during which participants can select any desired path for the simulated car to move along and the car moves along that path without colliding with cars in its vicinity.

The project is a starting step towards promoting the idea of building smart cars that can drive with no human intervention 

Course number: CS 5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman 


Database and Information Systems 


Jisha Kambo 
Jessie Lin 
Project Title:  Pulso 
Summary:  Pulso is a hand-mounted mobility device that allows visually impaired individuals to navigate their surroundings and perform day-to-day tasks by “feeling” their way around. Pulso uses both ultrasonic and infrared sensors to sense nearby objects and translates this information to the user through intuitive vibrational pulses.

Pulso is used by sweeping the device side-to-side like a white cane, checking for obstacles in the user’s path. Pulso provides extended range for improved obstacle detection and allows the user to detect various common hazards such as approaching obstacles and changes in elevation.

When used on nearby objects, Pulso uses an infrared-based ranging technique that allows the user to accurately and efficiently detect edges and distances of objects. This allows the user to generate a mental map of various objects, such as items on a table, just by sweeping his or her hand across them. The user can also “feel” his or her surroundings (especially in crowded and cramped places like public transportation) in a non-intrusive and safe manner. 

Course number: ECE 4760 
Faculty Advisor: Bruce Land 




Eileen Liu 
Shane Soh 
Project Title:  SARA 
Summary:  Patent approved SARA (Search And Rescue Assistant) is the solution to emergency response. Once activated, a car with SARA will send a voice message to 911 with the necessary information immediately. The driver does not need to panic knowing that emergency response will arrive soon. Unlike existing devices, SARA will convert the data and send information in a voice message, which means that receivers would not need additional devices to convert machine language to human readable texts for interpretation. This therefore decrease the waiting time for drivers in accidents significantly and can be easily commercialized as no country would need to allocate additional funds to add devices to emergency response stations. 
Course number: INFO 4400 


Robotics & Hardware 
Human-Computer Interaction 


Jaeil Lee 
Bok Young Kim 
Tingting Wu 
Theodore Lee 
Project Title:  Moxie 
Summary:  To provide users with the incentive and feedback to maintain healthy lifestyle changes, we envision a personal health application that monitors several dimensions of biometric data, as well as additional user input to gain a holistic picture of a user’s lifestyle. Our core product is a hardware-enabled app that uses data collected daily from our smart scale to track and provide analytics for a user’s health. In addition, we have developed a Wi-Fi enabled smart scale that quantifies a user’s health by noninvasively recording a wide set of biometrics such as heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol in several seconds while measuring weight and syncing to the cloud. We pair the scale with a mobile app which logs and displays summaries of the measured data, allowing users to judge the effectiveness and quality of their own health and make changes accordingly. We increase the rate of data collection from once or twice per year (average adult check-up rate under a primary care physician) to once per day. Our goal is to have users measure their health the same way they measure their weight in the morning to reduce the risk of preventable diseases. This results in the following effects:

1. Goals and Milestones: Users can remain motivated to push harder on health programs if the goal is always in sight.
2. Self-quantification: The device itself will allow users to quantify and qualify the effects of different lifestyle choices, and track their own health outside the doctor’s office.
3. Learn from others’ mistakes: Users can easily discover health treatments and products that have been verified to work for their particular body type based on confirmed success from other users.

By using our device, customers will be able to create custom solutions for their unique problems and meet their personal health goals. With data on a large number of users (anonymized data used with permission), we can infer what small changes in user activity are effective in promoting sustained change. Our application involves both data collection and analysis, and provides long term health intelligence for both consumer and medical industry interests. We use the collected data to build a platform through which users can quantify different strategies and predict how different plans can work for them, based on data from similar users. This creates a recommendation system that allows users to pick the most effective dieting and health routines based on measured body type and background. 

Course number: CS5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman 


Database and Information Systems 
Biological Sciences 


Alex Ngai 
Randy Song 
Project Title:  Gesture Based Security Lock 
Summary:  The aim of our project is to design a security system which can be unlocked by means of a stored gesture pattern. The idea is to create a box like assembly, in which the user places his hand, makes a defined gesture and unlocks the system. Basically, there is a mechanism that allows the user to save a gesture pattern. Once that is done, the system goes in lock state. When the user enters his hand in the box, he tries to recreate the same pattern. If he is able to do so, the system unlocks. If unable to, the system remains locked.

The idea is inspired by the popular mobile phone unlock feature where basically you draw a pattern on the screen and the phone unlocks. We wanted to create a similar system which could be used in any security application, as simple as opening the door of the house based on the gesture. The attractive feature of the project is that the user makes the pattern in the air and not on any surface. Also, we have given the user the flexibility of changing the pattern whenever he wishes to do so.

The whole idea is to provide a fully functional product to the user who can interface the system to any electronically controllable device. The user can himself create patterns, store them and open the device only by himself, giving him the freedom to lock and unlock the device without any kind of key required. 

Course number: ECE 4760 
Faculty Advisor: Bruce Land 


Human-Computer Interaction 
Robotics & Hardware 


Ankur Thakkar 
Darshan Shah 
Saisrinivasan Mohankumar 
Summary:   Proposal:
Building a system that will provide a security solution for GridCloud, based on a multi-domain security model. Whereas organizations would all use the GridCloud platform each having multiple clients’ connections, but would have individual ownership and control over their individual data. The System would allow explicit portals to be opened between organizations, if both authorize them. Beside to a visualization tool for understanding, who is authorized to do what, a representation of the security rules and policies, keys to implement these rules will be developed.

 Goals:
To provide security management across multiple domains, for a shared/hybrid cloud infrastructure containing sensitive, critical data with following security principles:
1. Access Control
2. Protection against Data leak
3. Anomaly Detection
4. Load Balancing
5. Scalability
6. Crash Recovery
 Analytical Steps:

1. Define Cloud Infrastructure
1a. Build System of Application Servers and Databases
I. Divide them into two/multiple domains, emulating Company A and B
1b. Build Clients:
2. Defining access control points:
2a. Building policy enforcement point (PEP)
2b. Building policy control point (PCP)
3. Defining access control mechanism:
3a. In PCP, create function to define and push policies to PEP.
3b. Defining communication protocols between PEP and PCP.
3c. In PEP, create function to receive and implement the policies from PCP.

 Milestones:
• Phase 1:
I. Setup infrastructure
 Creating application servers.
 Creating databases
 Creating clients emulating employee and subcontractors
 Making the appropriate connections.

II. Create PEP and PCP.
III. Implement access control mechanism as defined in previous section.
IV. We must be able to connect one Client to the Cloud, with application of policies and data encryption.

• Phase 2:
I. Create a GUI to PCP
II. Implement date leak prevention feature.
III. Provide restricted access control and short term access features to some specific clients.

• Phase 3:
I. Provide mechanisms to identify and prevent Anomaly Detection.
II. Develop complete GUI for both PCP and PEP
III. Create a visualization tool for the applied policies.

• Phase 4:
I. Implement Load Balancing and Scaling mechanism for PCP and PEP
II. Implement Crash Recovery

 Evaluation plan:
• Demo:
 Setup the system
 Simulate the clients: connect, authenticate, get encrypted data
(Verify accessing to data according to the policies which have been applied in CP for specific client).
 Delete/Add new policy, apply.
(Verify accessing to data according to the policies which have been applied in CP for specific client).
 The policies implemented at PCP should be propagated to all PEP
 Create an anomaly and check if it is detected by the system, and protective action is put in place.
 Visualization: representation of the security rules and policies.
 Run test cases:
 Test1: Test for access control, all form of clients must be able to connect and disconnect, with the application of the necessary policies.
 Test2: Test for Protection against Data Leakage, test by accessing unauthorized Servers/Databases, access should not be allowed.
 Test3: Test by Simulating a DDoS attack, the system must detect that a attack is taking place and put the appropriate protection in place either by shutting malicious client down or some other mechanism [TBD].
• Poster:
 Architecture of our system
 Technologies used
 Experiment results:
 Access Control
 Protection against Data Leakage
 Encryption/Decryption
 Anomaly Detection

Ganesh Gs563@cornell.edu

Sarah Saa254@cornell.edu
Sneha Sh824@cornell.edu 

Course number: CS5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken P Birman 




Rony Krell 
Project Title:  xRemote 
Summary:  The xRemote is a small and inexpensive multi-device remote controller which can be controlled by cell phone
application through Wi-Fi connection. It is designed for all types and brands of infrared-controlled appliances
through reserved coding and self-learning. It allows user to control household appliances anywhere internet
access is valid. The xRemote will introduce a new kind of lifestyle differing from traditional remote control. It
will become an important milestone to enter the next generation Internet-of-Things smart home technology. 

Faculty Advisor: Bruce Land 




Georald Xu 
Yefei Shen 
Project Title:  Identifying and Extracting Statutory Definitions from U..S. Code 
Summary:  Legal statutes, rules and regulations are difficult to understand because terms mentioned in legal corpora may have meanings that are very different from their general meanings and senses. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find the right definition for a given term because: (1) definitions usually exist in pages or sections that are different from pages or sections where these terms are used; (2) these definitions are scattered across the corpus and are not organized in glossaries or appendices; (3) there are many definitions within legal text corpora (Title 7 of United States Code (U.S. Code) has over 1500 definitions) and (4) the same term may have different definitions in different context or scope. To support better understanding of legal text, it is very important to find these definitions and map them to where they are used within the corpora. This project focuses on automatically extracting definitions, their defined terms and scope (where the definition applies) from the U.S. Code by utilizing a bundle of rule-based and statistical natural language processing techniques. Every paragraph in the U.S.Code is treated as a candidate definition and then a classifier that is trained on a sufficient number of correct/incorrect definitions is used to classify paragraphs into definitions and none definitions. Then we apply a number of well-defined rules to detect defined terms and scope of definitions. Finally, we use named entity recognition and detection techniques to find the defined terms in their context within their scope and map them to their definitions. 
Course number: CS5999 
Faculty Advisor: Mohammad AL Asswad 


Artificial Intelligence 


Mohammad AL Asswad 
Arpana Hosabettu 
Harsh Shah 
Remya Balasubramanian 
Yashaswini Shekarappa 
Project Title:  B33P 
Summary:  B33P is a puzzle platformer game for the PC with unique, programming-like controls. Choose a sequence of adjacent tiles from an action board to guide B33P on his adventure, anticipating the movement of enemies and the environment. 
Course number: CS 3152 
Faculty Advisor: Walker White 


Gaming and Entertainment 


Kristin Murray 
Athena Cole 
Bella You 
Heming Ge 
Emily Lutz 
Project Title:  microPig 
Summary:  MicroPig is a physics platformer iPhone game that features a unique game mechanic. Travel through the levels by grappling on to berries and avoiding obstacles to save all the fairies as the whimsical microPig. 
Course number: CS4152 
Faculty Advisor: Walker White 


Gaming and Entertainment 


Ruijun Wang 
Project Title:  Casino Heist 
Summary:  Your name is JACK STEEL. You received an invitation to Il Casino Bianco, and upon arriving at the penthouse, you decided to steal a fortune. Your goal is to escape down to the bottom of the casino with as much money as possible. 
Course number: INFO 3152 
Faculty Advisor: Walker White 


Gaming and Entertainment 


Zach Porges 
Laurence Rosenzweig 
Ryan Hall 
Tre' Calhoun 
Nicholas Tyson 
Keith Newman 
Project Title:  Apsis 
Summary:  Apsis is a playful, uplifting experience about flying built for Android tablets and PCs. Players shepherd a flock of birds through a hand-painted world and experience an emotionally rich story narrated entirely through gameplay. 
Course number: CS 4152 
Faculty Advisor: Walker White 


Gaming and Entertainment 
Media, Art, and Graphics 
Human-Computer Interaction 


Matt Blair 
John Oliver 
ship warm.png 
Project Title:  Pirates of the Stratosphere 
Summary:  Pirates of the Stratosphere is a 2D sidescrolling shooter game in which players take to the skies for a highflying, pirate adventure filled with ship combat, commandeering, and plundering. Fight through intense bullet-hell ship-to-ship combat, commandeer variety of enemies to steal their ships, and explore beautifully rugged pirate worlds. 
Course number: CS 3152 
Faculty Advisor: Walker White 


Gaming and Entertainment 
Media, Art, and Graphics 
Human-Computer Interaction 


Eileen Liu 
Andrew Noyes 
Peter Zieske 
Ian Panzica 
Matthew Hayes 
Project Title:  Sentiment Design 
Summary:  The MoodLight system explores the potential of an interactive system to facilitate reflective mental health practices. Electro-dermal activity (EDA) sensors read biometric data about an individual’s current arousal level; this information is fed into an interactive lighting system; and fluctuations in arousal level are interpreted as changing colored light.

One of our key interests in running a recent design probe was to explore the possibility of supporting healthy social interactions about stress management through the deployment of technology rather than in spite of it. Our study included a number of opportunities to observe social interactions about, through and as a result of using MoodLight. 

Faculty Advisor: Geri Gay 


Human-Computer Interaction 
Media, Art, and Graphics 
Social Media 


Nicole Calace 
Michael Elfenbein 
Jacqueline Chien 
Adam Shih 
Jonathan Lee 
Project Title:  Machine Translation in Computer-Mediated Communications 
Summary:  The concept of machine translation is nothing new, and IRC (Internet Relay Chat) clients have been around almost since the advent of the Internet. But what happens when you take the two and combine them? Can we use today’s imperfect translation tools and combine them with a chat interface to create a better platform for collaboration? This is the objective of the Machine Translation in CMC project, a study on the patterns of computer mediated communications between native and non-native English speakers. The interface itself consists of two parts: a chat window built with the traditional server-client model, and an interactive map that supports basic drawing functions. Together, these tools support a series of experimental conditions designed to explain if and how machine translation can have a positive impact on multilingual CMC communications. 
Faculty Advisor: Susan R. Fussell 


Human-Computer Interaction 
Database and Information Systems 


David Hau 
Project Title:  Trickle 
Summary:  Many people in college start to drink alcohol. As college students quickly learn the immediate consequences of drinking too much, it is often much more difficult for them to be cognizant of the more subtle effects of drinking alcohol. Likewise, most people are not aware of trends in their lives that can lead them to drink excessively. Our proposed survey-based application will help users learn about the potential effects alcohol can have in their lives. Our application could also potentially expose triggers for drinking excessively to users who might have a drinking problem. By recognizing the triggers, users will be able to more easily avoid them, which could help them control their drinking problems. We have our initial Android prototype from last year ready at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cornell.eickleapp. We have made strides and improvements on the system, but will not be ready until much later. 
Course number: INFO 5900 
Faculty Advisor: Tanzeem Choudhury 


Human-Computer Interaction 
Database and Information Systems 
Artificial Intelligence 


Alex Pan 
Tingting Wu 
Stacey Wrazien 
Project Title:  SAINT: A Scalable Sensing and Inference Toolkit for Mobile Devices 
Summary:  At the end of 2013, it was estimated that 1.43 billion people in the world use smartphones. All these smartphones come pre-equipped with sensors that can inform fine-grained behavior of the phone’s user. For instance, audio information provided from the mic, in real time, can be used to monitor the effects of ambient noise on a sleeping person. After obtaining this data and performing careful trend analysis, we will be able to know the exact sound wave frequencies or types of external sounds needed for a person to sleep optimally. This is just one example out of the plethora of possibilities of the benefits of mining and processing mobile sensor data. Open-source software enabling large-scale phone data sharing can have large implications for health care services and can further grasp societal scale behavior understanding.

The goal of this project is to develop a robust and scalable open source Android-based sensing and inference toolkit to allow third-party client applications to gather and process smartphone sensor data, ranging from activity recognition to voice recognition to speech recognition. This interface, called SAINT (Sensing and Inference Toolkit), is an Android application that runs as a background process in a mobile phone. SAINT’s easy-to-use client-server architecture enables multiple client apps to register with the SAINT server and obtain mobile sensor detector data in real time. How does the client-server model work?

All sensor/service (e.g. accelerometer) and activity inference produced in real time gets pushed into an intermediary bus. This bus will then provide each registered client app with the data corresponding to the specific detectors it has registered. For example, if a client app registers with the activity recognition detector service and another client app registers with the speech detection service, then the bus will provide the activity recognition service data and the speech detection service data to the corresponding clients in real time. Thus, the bus acts as a “server” while the listening apps are the “clients.”

Client apps can connect to the server for sensing and inference data from phone detectors, or any entities that produce a real time stream of data. SAINT comes with physical activity and voice recognition capabilities pre-packaged on the server, and the expandable architecture of SAINT server allows developers to easily add new inference capabilities. 

Faculty Advisor: Tanzeem Choudhury 


Human-Computer Interaction 
Database and Information Systems 


Shankar Athinarayanan 
Project Title:  Tailor-made Games 
Summary:  Personal Informatics has emerged in recent years to describe tools designed to help people collect and reflect on personally relevant information. These tools go hand in hand with the drive to change behaviour or improve oneself, most often referred to as the Quantified Self.
This project is setting out to establish a platform for using personal information in computer gaming in order to understand what the range of uses this approach might have.

Most games use sparse amounts of personal information as part of play. Using information in its broadest sense, the player interacting with the game may be considered a basic layer of information. In some cases, for example video poker and many other gambling games, player “information” has no real impact on the game outcome.

The addition of personal information into gaming is an opportunity to add more subtlety to computer games (custom-made). Such games can might provide new ways to gain self-learning. Some suggested uses might include:
1. Games to change behaviour (based on personal info)
2. Games to facilitate social connection (based on sharing personal information – disclosure)
3. Games for personal insights / reflection (based on personal information)
4. Games to learn about yourself (based on how you play as opposed to personal information)

Over and above the immediate goals of this project, the resulting software platform will make it straightforward to create personally meaningful, tailor-made computer games to guide and lead personal development and behaviour change. Building on this platform, future games could use automatically capture mood and stress levelPersonal Informatics has emerged in recent years to describe tools designed to help people collect and reflect on personally relevant information. These tools go hand in hand with the drive to change behaviour or improve oneself, most often referred to as the Quantified Self.

“Just remember” is one of the games in our series. A set of photos is displayed on screen and the player has to match similar photos. By exploiting the fact that people often love to sit down and look back at their own photos, we explore: whether, compared to a random picture set, a set of personal pictures increases the players concentration span. 

Faculty Advisor: Mark Matthews 


Human-Computer Interaction 
Gaming and Entertainment 
Social Sciences & Humanities 


Shuo Xiong 
Hammad Malik 
Project Title:  Video to Textual Summary 
Summary:  This project was done for an external client UserTesting.com, a California based startup as part of the masters project. The goal of the project was to develop a proof of concept for extracting highlight points in a video. The video records the experience of the user thinking out loud as (s)he browses through a website. Speech to text processing and sentiment analysis was used to find regions of frustation/distress in the browsing experience of the user. 
Faculty Advisor: Gilly Leshed 




FNU Tushar 
Project Title:  Bus tracking application 
Summary:  Our project is a Cloud Based mobile bus tracking application. The mobile app, allows users to select a bus number and based on the users location, it will tell the user where nearest stops are, the time the next bus will arrive, the location of the bus, and predicted time it will take the user to walk to the stop. The application runs on android and uses google maps to display the information. The application is simulated on a "local cloud" that we have developed. The "local cloud" is multiple virtual machines connected together on our local machine. This simulates a cloud environment and deals with multiple clients by connecting them to different servers that are running on different virtual machines. Our cloud is designed specifically for fault tolerance. 
Course number: CS 5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman 




Alex Kittelberger 
Christopher Jonathan 
Project Title:  Cornell Student 
Summary:  Cornell Student is an Android application developed for students in an effort to bring most of the services that they use into a single mobile application. This app allows them to view the timetable for their enrolled courses, their office hours and such other details. It also provides location-aware TCAT bus information and also quick access to frequent-routes which would be customized and specific to each individual user. It further offers broadcast services by giving them an option to communicate among all the users of the app. There are also quick links to more helpful information about the university.

It’s planned to have a three layered architecture consisting of the front end built for Android, the middle tier application server built using Apache Tomcat servlets and the back-end MySQL database. The latter two layers implement state of the art cloud technologies. Application servers and databases are made fault tolerant by replicating them. This also serves the dual purpose of offering high availability and load balancing when there are high number of client requests. But it further brings up the challenge of maintaining consistency among the servers and the databases. Such complexities are handled to make our system robust and reliable. 

Course number: CS 5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman 


Database and Information Systems 


Ranjit Murali 
Manjunath Patil 
Nikash Narendra Kumar 
Project Title:  Implementing Generics for Jif 
Summary:  Jif is a security-typed programming language that extends Java with support for information flow control and access control, enforced at both compile time and run time. Our goal is to augment Jif with the language features required to support generic programming design patterns found in many of today's languages (such as Java). Modifications to the Jif compiler are made using the Polyglot extensible compiler framework. 
Course number: CS 4999 
Faculty Advisor: Andrew Myers 


Programming Languages 
Database and Information Systems 


Matthew Loring 
Project Title:  Cornell University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (CUAUV) Project Team 
Summary:  CUAUV is an undergraduate project team that builds an autonomous submarine each year with the primary goal of competition at the annual AUVSI / ONR RoboSub Competition in San Diego. The competition takes the form of an obstacle course which requires vehicles to complete a number of visual, acoustic, and manipulation tasks all without user input. For instance, submarines must be able to navigate through the course by following a series of path markers, ram a colored buoy, shoot a small “torpedo” through a target, drop a marker on a target, manipulate pegs on a pegboard, localize an acoustic pinger, and grab and retrieve an object. In order to complete this course autonomously, our software is divided into three primary areas: mission, which focuses on high level logic in order to navigate through the course and complete tasks; sensors & controls, which requires pose estimation and feedback control in order to move the vehicle as commanded by our high level mission subsystem; and vision, which involves processing information from our cameras in order to classify and localize elements in order to complete the required tasks. 
Faculty Advisor: Alan Zehnder 


Robotics & Hardware 


Markus Burkardt 
Project Title:  CUAir Project Team 
Summary:  CUAir, Cornell University Unmanned Air Systems, is an interdisciplinary project team working to design, build, and test an autonomous unmanned aircraft system capable of autonomous takeoff and landing, waypoint navigation, and reconnaissance. Some of the team’s research topics include airframe design and manufacture, propulsion systems, wireless communication, image processing, target recognition, and autopilot control systems. 
Faculty Advisor: C. Thomas Avedisian 


Robotics & Hardware 


Joel Heck 
Derek Faust 
Andrew Knauss 
Cory Pomerantz 
Project Title:  Checkers Playing Delta Robot 
Summary:  This checkers playing robotic arm built in a delta configuration was made in the Spring 2013 rapid prototyping class. It uses a webcam to identify the current state of the board, an Arduino microcontroller to control the servos, and an electromagnet to pick up and move individual checkers. A human interacts with the system via a large red button that indicates to the computer that the user has made a move, signaling it to complete a move of its own. It is constructed with both hand and laser cut pieces of wood, and 3D printed specialized components designed for the system in the rapid prototyping class. 
Course number: INFO 4320 
Faculty Advisor: Francois Guimbretiere 


Robotics & Hardware 
Gaming and Entertainment 


Ronnie Bunshaft 
Project Title:  Piel the Interactive Desk Lamp 
Summary:  Piel is an animatronic desk lamp installation that tracks a user's hand movement beneath it in order to provide a unique interactive experience. The lamp moves about in 3-Dimensional space using a series of motor-operated control strings, somewhat like a marionette. As a camera tracks hand movement beneath the device, the lamp orients itself to point a focused light source towards the hand. 
Course number: INFO 4320 
Faculty Advisor: Francois Guimbretiere 


Robotics & Hardware 
Human-Computer Interaction 


Benjamin Itzkowitz 
Ross Hanson 
Project Title:  GoToo 
Summary:  GoToo is a mobile application that serves to easily help users find and create events in their area. The application has a constantly-updating 'Events Feed' that is customized to a user's preferences, along with pages for 'My Events', 'Create Event', 'Explore Events', and 'Settings'. There are several unique features for GoToo. Users will only see events occurring in the next 48 hours for spontaneous users searching for events to attend. Our system also integrates with Facebook so users do not have to create events twice.

The system is currently in its pre-Alpha phase, as we are about to complete the native iPhone version of the application. Our goal is to test and modify our application in April based on user feedback. This summer, we will build the native Android version of the application, which is useful for including Android users as well. We plan on releasing the application at ClubFest in September 2014, where we can start building our user base through on-campus clubs/organizations. 

Course number: INFO 4900 
Faculty Advisor: Dan Cosley 


Social Media 
Human-Computer Interaction 


Laurence Rosenzweig 
Adam Groner 
Screen Shot 2014-03-11 at 5.30.03 PM.png 
Project Title:  Achieve 
Summary:  Achieve is a mobile web application designed to help groups of friends work together to achieve their goals. 
Faculty Advisor: Dan Cosley 


Social Media 


Zach Porges 
Yundi (Lily) Gao 
Yulan (Lannie) Miao 
Brian Lin 
Ben Shulman 
Evan Long 
Project Title:  daapr 
Summary:  daapr is a social media platform specifically dedicated to the sharing and discovery of online content. daapr provides users with a feed that aggregates all the content (i.e. links) shared by the people they are following on the site. At the same time, daapr allows users to share comfortably to an audience of followers who have expressed an explicit interest in what they are reading and watching.

The site’s highly-visual feed was specifically designed to make it easy for users to quickly scan posted material and determine its relevance to them. Users can also easily resurface all the interesting content they’ve posted in the past through their profile page.

We recognize that social media sites are only valuable once they reach a critical mass, so we are developing a browser extension that allows daapr users to share easily both inside and outside of the platform. Specifically, we will make it possible for our users to email anyone they know a beautifully-formatted article link and preview from any web page. This will allow us to expose potential users to our product and make daapr a value-add for anyone who signs up.

Here’s a quick video of what we’ve made so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTsl8N1nzao 

Course number: INFO 4900 
Faculty Advisor: Dan Cosley 


Social Media 
Human-Computer Interaction 


Alex Meyers 
Aaron Schifrin 
Connor Strynkowski 
Brendan Miller 
Austin Gage 
Project Title:  Dual Screen Processing: Redefining The Practice of Watching Television 
Summary:  My thesis investigates the effects of dual screen processing on the modern experience of watching television. To do this, 180 participants watched an hour of television of their choice, and then answered a series of questions indicating age, gender, the title of the program they watched, and the network on which the show was aired. They also identified their media outlet and the location in which they watched the hour of television. Finally, participants rated their current moods on a scale of one to five (unhappy to happy) after watching the hour of television, and they indicated whether or not they personally thought that engaging in dual screen media consumption enhanced their television watching experiences. The second portion of the study used a reflective diary method to record messages sent and received by participants that had to do with the content of the television they viewed. Next, I coded the data in the messages to identify the types of messages, as well as what viewers' motives were in using other media while they watched television. My thesis and research seek to answer the question of whether or not the use and integration of several types of media enhance the experience of watching television. 
Faculty Advisor: Jeff Hancock 


Social Media 
Social Sciences & Humanities 


Jaimee Pavia 
Project Title:  Papiya 
Summary:  Many applications today have the need for a location aware, consistent, and real-time data store in the cloud. For this project, we will build an API that allows such applications to add objects to the data store and to retrieve previously added objects in real time. The application can receive dynamic updates based on changes in the data store. Possible applications of our project are a Humans vs. Zombies utility and social media or event-planning apps. 
Course number: CS 5412 
Faculty Advisor: Ken Birman 


Social Media 
Gaming and Entertainment 


Simon Li 
Shela Wang 
Ivan Kang 
Project Title:  Designing Technology for a Social Impact 
Summary:  We are developing speculative designs for technology based on ethnographic and historical research from Jamaica, Newfoundland, and Iceland. Using a historical understanding of technology and focusing on the global margins who have seized on technological progress, our project seeks to critically analyze the idea of sociotechnical development and conceptualize this through design.

One of our goals is to create a proposal for the new handbook of Digital STS, a volume published to advance the understanding of digital objects, phenomena, processes, and methods in Science and Technology Studies. We hope to gain new insight on our headway at BOOM, where we will be asking for feedback and ideas. 

Faculty Advisor: Phoebe Sengers 


Social Sciences & Humanities 
Database and Information Systems 


Luna Zhang 
Robert Utsey 
Erik Bonadonna 
Benjamin Potts 
Richmond Wong 
Holly Domke 
Records 1-42 of 42