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Project Guidelines

Project submission will open shortly.

General Information

  • Computer demos in addition to posters/handouts are recommended.
  • During BOOM, a minimum of one presenter, and a maximum of 6 may be present per project.
  • BOOM-day check-in information will be sent to participants in advance.
  • Questions? Email

Poster Guidelines

  • You must display a poster no smaller than *22"x28"*.
  • Strive to attract attention - use color where possible.
  • Ensure that your poster is readable from about 5 feet away.
  • Cover the key points of your work. Detailed information should be included in your web page, handouts, and/or short oral presentation.

Poster Printing

For BOOM 2010, presenters will be responsible for printing their own posters.
Services are available at:

Suggested Content

Click for Detail


Poster Sample Suggestion

Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • Oral Presentations should be no longer than 1-2 minutes
  • Project presenters should be prepared to give this "overview" talk repeatedly to BOOM visitors and encourage questions.

Oral Presentation Tips

  • Rehearse - practice makes perfect.
  • Give an opening statement to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose fo the study.
  • State clearly, in laymen's terms. Plan to give a talk that will be understood to people outside of your research area.
  • *Do not read your paper*, instead, use an outline of key points and transitions.

Contact | Acknowledgments | Last updated 2.25.2009