Fabric  0.2.1
Compiling and publishing programs


To compile a Fabric program MyClass.fab, run the Fabric compiler, fabc:

$ fabc MyClass.fab

The fabc compiler has many options similar to the javac compiler, including the -d option to output classes in a different directory, the -classpath option to specify the classpath, and the -sourcepath option to specify the source path. For a complete list of options, run:

$ fabc -help


The Fabric compiler can publish code to a Fabric store, making the code available for download and use by Fabric workers. Publishing code requires a running store and a configured worker. (See Starting Fabric nodes.) To publish, the Fabric compiler needs a few additional parameters:

  • the name of the store that will host the published code,
  • the name of the worker to use for publishing, and
  • a file to which to write codebase information.

The following command will use the worker MyWorker to publish MyClass.fab to the store MyStore, outputting the URL of the resulting codebase to the file codebase.url:

$ fabc -deststore MyStore -worker MyWorker -publish-only \
-codebase-output-file codebase.url MyClass.fab

The Fabric compiler can also compile against published code by specifying the codebase file on the classpath:

$ fabc -worker MyWorker -classpath @codebase.url MyClass2.fab

Code dependent on published code can similarly be published:

$ fabc -deststore MyStore -worker MyWorker -publish-only \
-codebase-output-file codebase2.url \
-classpath @codebase.url MyClass2.fab